You are given obligations when you receive a ticket and when you resolve one. Obligations at the time of your infraction include making sure you appear for your court date. After your case is resolved your must pay your fine on time, perform any required community service, and fulfill any other requirements. Unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way and people fail to meet such obligations. This results in a warrant being issued for their arrest, the possible suspension of their license, and additional penalties. Orland Park traffic warrant attorney Michael J. Brennan assists those finding themselves in such situations.
It is easy for a case to fall into warrant if you received a ticket while visiting Illinois. Out of state defendants can find themselves without a valid driver’s license in their home state as a result. Michael handles such matters for those who received a citation while visiting our city. Contact our office if you find yourself in this situation and you require a lawyer.
It is understandable how one can have a traffic ticket fall into warrant status. You may have forgotten about your court date, you may not have had the money to pay the fine, or you may have had a scheduling conflict which caused you to miss your obligations. Whatever the reason, failing to follow through will result in a traffic related warrant being issued. This means that you can be arrested if stopped, you can be prohibited from getting on an airplane, and you will likely have your license suspended. You are also likely to face additional fines and penalties. Hiring a lawyer can help you to resolve the matter, and get your life back on track, sooner rather than later.
Michael J. Brennan is is a Chicago attorney handling traffic warrants for Cook County, Illinois residents. Michael will quickly file a request with the Court to quash the warrant. He will explain to the Court why you fell behind and negotiate for a conclusion which removes the warrant, reinstates your driving privileges, and allows you to make payments towards any outstanding commitments. He will be in regular contact with you throughout the process, will promptly return your calls, and will make himself available to answer your questions. Our lawyer knows that such a matter can disrupt your life. His goal is to get you moving in the right direction. Contact us today.