As our elderly loved ones’ needs increase, we may find it necessary to place them in assisted living facilities that can tend to their medical care or help with everyday activities. We trust the staff at these facilities because we cannot be there 24 hours a day to ensure our loved ones are being treated properly. Unfortunately, many of these facilities and their staff breach this trust and mistreat their residents.
This mistreatment could be challenging to recognize, so it is essential to pay attention to your elderly loved ones if they are in a senior care facility. If you notice any of the warning signs of nursing home abuse in Orland Park, report your concerns to the authorities and get in contact with a lawyer.
The compassionate nursing home abuse attorneys at MJB Law Offices could help protect your family from abusive practices and seek recovery from the owners and operators. Call our law office today to schedule an initial consultation.
Indicators of Physical and Emotional Abuse
Most of the types of abuse in assisted living facilities can go unnoticed for years because family members are not present to witness them. Additionally, elderly individuals may not realize they are being mistreated, or they are unable to defend themselves because of their medical or physical conditions.
Because of this, family and visitors need to keep an eye out for any indications of abuse. One of the most common types of mistreatment by facility staff is physical. This includes hitting or shoving but can also involve being physically restrained and unable to move about freely. Physical abuse could be easier to notice because it usually results in unexplained bruising, broken bones, and other sorts of injuries.
Emotional abuse is less easy to notice because there are rarely any observable indicators, but it is nonetheless harmful to elderly residents. Facility staff could be emotionally abusive by yelling, using degrading language, or other kinds of bullying behavior toward the residents. Visiting family members should pay attention to any changes in mood, signs of depression, or withdrawal, especially when a particular member of staff is in the same room.
Recognizing the warning signs of such mistreatment could help nursing home residents in Orland Park escape a bad situation. Family members could also find support by discussing the situation with an understanding personal injury attorney.
Evidence of Financial Exploitation
Older adults are particularly vulnerable to financial exploitation. This type of abuse is easy to hide and may go on for years before being detected. Financial fraud and theft from older adults more often come from those closest to them or with control over their accounts.
Family members of elderly residents should look for evidence of theft or other financial abuse. If an elderly resident says they are missing cash or cannot remember how much they have, it may not be because they are forgetful. Other indicators could be unusual transaction activity in their bank accounts or illogical changes to insurance policies.
Family members should pay attention to any signals of financial abuse in Orland Park assisted living facilities if possible. If there is evidence, a determined lawyer could help families seek compensation and be whole again.
Get Support From an Orland Park Attorney When You Notice the Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
If you have noticed any warning signs of nursing home abuse in Orland Park, you can take steps to protect your elderly loved ones. You could report your suspicions to proper authorities like the Illinois Department of Human Services and consult with a devoted lawyer at the MJB Law Offices.
Our attorneys could help you and your family understand your legal rights and seek possible compensation for the abuse they had to endure. Call to discuss your situation and take the first step towards seeking justice.