Former State's Attorney With Over 38 Years of Experience

Two cars in a rear-end collision on the roadside, showing damage to the rear of one car and the front of the other

Matteson IL Car Accident Lawyer

Michael J. Brennan Injury & Accident Lawyer stands up for the rights of car accident victims in Matteson. We take on at-fault drivers to make sure their auto insurers provide everything victims need to rebuild their health and their lives. We offer a free and confidential case consultation to all Cook County victims. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation appointment with a real car accident lawyer.

Do I Need a Lawyer After a Traffic Accident in Matteson?

If you are struck by a careless driver and only end up needing car repairs or come away with only minor bumps and bruises, you may not need a lawyer’s assistance for your case. But when injuries are more serious, having a skilled lawyer handling your case can make a big difference in the support you receive.

When something like a broken bone or a head injury is involved, medical bills will escalate. This sends car insurance adjusters looking for ways to shift blame in the accident or find ways to dismiss your injuries.

Your Matteson Car Accident Lawyer is a protective shield against this kind of underhanded treatment. Your lawyer fully investigates the circumstances surrounding your case and then uses the evidence collected to force an insurance company to offer you the most possible for your injury.

Traffic Dangers on Matteson Roads

Many Matteson families spend a lot of time on the road. Some drive on I-57 into the heart of Chicago for work. Parents will rush their kids off to local schools and make grocery and dinner runs.

Many motorists try to be as careful as possible, but there are always drivers who choose to look at their phones instead of the road. Some drivers speed or switch lanes aggressively, at risk of losing control. These careless mistakes lead to devastating accidents each week.

It’s a real concern to anyone who lives in Matteson County or in the greater Cook County area. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) reports that there were 157,973 accidents recorded across Cook County in 2022. At least 28,846 victims were injured in those crashes and a shocking 366 victims lost their lives.

Of course, Chicago’s dangerous traffic levels play into these statistics, but many drivers going to or leaving Chicago pass through Matteson, creating additional dangers for local motorists.

At-fault drivers need to be fully accountable when they make mistakes in the lanes and cause collisions. Their insurers need to provide care on demand for a constant stream of doctor bills and the lost paychecks victims endure. A Matteson attorney with MJB Law can handle the frustrating claims process and make sure your family is taken care of, all while you focus on getting better.

What Should I Do Immediately After a Car Accident?

Securing the best evidence available of what happened and who caused a crash will be key to your success in holding a car insurer liable. Your lawyer will be collecting all evidence available, but some of the important evidence will disappear as soon as an accident scene is cleared.

See to your safety first. Call 911 and seek ambulance response if anyone is hurt. Once the scene is secure, and if you are left strong enough, try to collect the evidence found on the scene.

  • Allow paramedics to examine your injuries. They’ll document your pain and that can serve as strong evidence of what you went through.
  • Give the Matteson Police or the Illinois State Police a full report of what happened and what you witnessed. They’ll create a collision report later that will also serve as powerful evidence.
  • Take pictures and video. Show the scene and the damage to vehicles. Show any visible injuries. Document any street signs or lane markings that are critical to telling the story of what happened.
  • Get witness contact information. You’ll turn this information over to your MJB Lawyer
  • Swap information with other drivers if an officer doesn’t provide this information to you.
  • Don’t apologize or talk about your injuries. Insurance companies can try to twist your statements to make it look like you admitted fault or said you weren’t injured.
  • See your physician. After going to the emergency room, see your own doctor in the days that follow. Have your injuries and any new pain documented. Follow your doctor’s advice. Save all medical invoices.
  • Contact Michael J. Brennan Injury & Accident Lawyer. Illinois only gives you a limited time to file an injury claim. Talk to a lawyer in a free consultation to find out if you have a case and if you should be demanding help from another driver. If we can’t help you earn more, we’ll tell you that and warn you about what to watch out for when filing your own claim.

Compensation Available for Matteson Car Accident Victims

Your Michael J. Brennan Injury & Accident Lawyer files a claim that includes every hardship you’ve endured since your accident. That includes the physical, financial, and emotional damages:

  • Current medical bills and estimates on any care expected to be necessary in the future.
  • Long-term support the victim requires after suffering a permanent physical disability or disfigurement.
  • Support for the physical pain the victim endures.
  • Support for the emotional trauma the victim endures during a difficult recovery.
  • Support for the victim’s loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Support for the victim’s loss of consortium (loss of intimacy with a spouse).
  • The travel costs involved as incapacitated victims must attend doctor’s appointments and go out of town to see specialists.
  • Reimbursement on the income and benefits lost while the victim is unable to work.
  • Money to pay for car repairs or replacement.
  • Wrongful death benefits. Some car accidents carry enough force to tragically claim lives. The families of victims are encouraged to file wrongful death claims against car insurance companies to protect themselves financially. Money should be provided to pay for funeral expenses and emergency response fees. Families must also get protection for the years ahead when they won’t be able to count on the guidance and financial support a loved one would have provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have to file a car accident claim in Illinois?

Illinois allows personal injury victims up to two years to file claims. You shouldn’t wait years to file though. Take action quickly to allow your lawyer to capture fresh evidence and track down witnesses.

Should I Talk to the Other Driver’s Car Insurance Company?

No. Only give basic information if you do. Insurance adjusters want to encourage you to make a recorded statement about what happened. They hope you’ll say something they can twist and use against you later.

What if I can’t afford to pay a lawyer to represent my car accident case?

Michael J. Brennan works on a contingency basis. It means you won’t owe anything unless he wins your case for you. Then his attorney fee comes out of the settlement money you and your family are awarded.

Contact a Matteson Car Accident Lawyer

Illinois personal injury attorney, Michael J. Brennan serves victims in Matteson and across Cook County. He has over 35 years of legal experience and is a former State’s Attorney for Cook County. He has earned his reputation as a fierce negotiator and an aggressive trial lawyer.

If you or a loved one were forced into a car accident due to a driver’s carelessness, you do not have to face your physical or financial issues alone. Contact MJB Law to schedule a case consultation that’s free and comes with no obligation for you. It’s a way to stay informed of every benefit available to you and your family before an insurance company tries to limit the support you receive.

Mr. Brennan is ready to ensure your rights are honored, you receive a fair financial recovery, and justice is served for your injuries and losses.

Contact Us Now!