motorcycle accidents

  • What Is The Main Cause Of Motorcycle Accidents?
    What Is The Main Cause Of Motorcycle Accidents?
    A motorcyclist has an inherently more dangerous job than most other drivers. It’s not just because of the increased risk of falling off, crashing, or colliding with something; it’s also because of the visibility and maneuverability issues that come with riding a smaller, lighter vehicle. In fact, motorcycles are only...
  • What Are Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents
    What Are Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents
    Many people associate motorcycles with freedom and joy, not danger. As a result, many people assume that motorcycles are low-risk driving platforms. In truth, the risks posed by riding a motorcycle are quite high. Motorcycle riders are at a higher risk of being involved in a crash than car drivers....
  • What Is The Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injury?
    What Is The Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injury?
    If you own a motorcycle, you know that it’s not just for cruising. It can be both an excellent way to quickly get from point A to point B and a fun hobby. After all, who doesn’t like being able to zoom around at breakneck speeds? As with any type...
  • Tips To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents
    Tips To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents
    Driving a motorcycle can be a challenging experience compared to driving a car. Navigating tighter spaces and responding to traffic are just some of the things that come with operating a two-wheeled vehicle. Moreover, motorcycles aren’t built to withstand the same degree of punishment as cars. For this reason, motorcyclists...
  • Does Everyone Fall Off A Motorcycle?
    Does Everyone Fall Off A Motorcycle?
    Motorcycle riding can be an exhilarating experience. However, it’s not without its risks. A motorcycle rider is exposed to a greater risk of injury than other road users if they fall off their bike. This is because the rider has less protection from impact than car drivers or passengers. Thankfully,...
  • 7 Common Motorcycle Crashes and How to Avoid Them
    7 Common Motorcycle Crashes and How to Avoid Them
    Crash statistics are a sobering reminder of how dangerous motorcycling can be. Even something as routine as riding your motorcycle home from work can turn into a high-risk situation where you could end up killed instantly if you’re not alert and cautious. There are many things you can do to...
  • Illinois Motorcycle Helmet Law
    It's estimated that per mile traveled in 2018, the number of motorcycle accident fatalities was nearly 27 times the number of car accident fatalities.  Motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable populations on roads in Illinois and throughout the United States. Often other drivers don't keep an eye out for...
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