Dog bites are not only scary and traumatic, but they can also lead to hefty medical bills and long-term emotional damage. Though the magnitude of a dog bite settlement may never undo the harm inflicted, it can certainly help ease the burden. When seeking financial compensation, it pays to understand the strategies that could help you maximize your settlement.
In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive review of the strategies that could be used to optimize the amount of money you may ultimately receive for a dog bite incident. We’ll also explain why these strategies work and provide advice for building the most compelling and complete case against the dog’s owner.

Investigation of the Dog Bite Incident
The first step to getting the most out of a dog bite settlement is to look into what happened in detail. Even though there may be conflicting evidence, an injured person needs to know the details of the dog bite and what happened around it in order to get the most money for their injuries.
When looking into a dog bite, it’s important to find out if the dog’s owner knew the animal could be dangerous. If they knew about any bad habits or behaviors from the past that could cause harm, this can be a big part of a successful settlement award. On the other hand, if it can be shown that the dog’s owner didn’t know that the dog was aggressive, this can help reduce the owner’s liability and, as a result, a possible settlement.
In addition to determining the dog’s nature and behavior, one should also consider if necessary safety precautions were taken before and during the incident, such as keeping the animal restrained or tackling an intruder on their property. Evidence supporting these efforts can assist in overturning any claims of negligence by either party.
In the end, you need to do careful research and evaluation to fully understand a dog bite incident and figure out who is responsible for the damage it caused. With this information, one is better able to negotiate a settlement offer and make decisions based on facts. Now that we’ve talked about investigations, it’s just as important to start gathering evidence that will help us in court when we go up against an insurance company.
Gathering the Necessary Evidence
When figuring out how much an injury settlement is worth, it’s important to know everything about what happened before, during, and after a dog bite. When judging a personal injury case, it’s important to remember that proof of what happened and other facts are often very important. When looking into the dog bite, it’s important to get all the evidence you can, such as photos of the scene, medical records, statements from witnesses, police and animal control reports, recordings or videos of the dog barking, and so on.
It is also important to consider other factors that could affect a dog bite settlement. For example, theories about liability can be very different from one state (or even one county) to the next because each area has its own rules for figuring out who is at fault in a given situation. Also, claims of an innocent bystander or comparative negligence can affect how much something is worth and who is to blame. Being ready to argue both sides of a legal argument can greatly increase a person’s chances of getting money for injuries caused by a dog attack.
Finally, it is also wise to collect independent expert evaluations when applicable. Veterinary experts and animal behavior analysts can provide valuable insight into the history and temperament of any dog involved as well as assess accountability by examining behavior patterns preceding the incident. Further still, mental health professionals can establish cause-and-effect relationships between emotional distress and substantial trauma caused by a serious dog bite incident.
In conclusion, if a person knows about important evidence or special things to think about in a dog bite case, they can get the most out of a court settlement or an agreement with an insurance company. After getting all the information needed for a proper evaluation, the next step is to find out the history and behavior of the dog that attacked in order to develop any claims related to the case.
Determination of the Dog’s History and Behavior
Your lawyer will look at a number of things, like the dog’s history and behavior, to figure out how much your dog bite settlement will be. The court or insurer may look at whether the owner knew his or her animal had a tendency to act aggressively in certain situations. They may also look into what happened with this dog in the past and whether its owners were ever warned about its behavior.
For example, if someone owned a Pit Bull for five years and knew that the breed tends to be aggressive but didn’t take any extra steps to train their pet or do anything else to make sure it didn’t hurt anyone, they may be held more responsible. On the other hand, if someone owns a Labrador Retriever with no prior aggression issues, but it bites someone under dangerous circumstances or fear-provoking triggers, the owner would likely have less financial responsibility. In each case, the court looks at the proof of ownership, size, and understanding of the risks.
When you file a claim for a dog bite settlement, you must show that the other person was at fault. Your lawyer must look at all of these factors carefully. Additionally, based on state laws and local ordinances, liability may attach even if an owner never knows his or her animal has dangerous tendencies and doesn’t take appropriate steps. That’s why understanding your legal rights and site regulations is vital in order to maximize your settlement.
Understanding Your Legal Rights
When it comes to dog bites, you need to understand your legal rights. The state laws regarding dog bites are rather complicated, so it is best to consult an experienced animal attorney for the specifics. That being said, generally speaking, regardless of the state, the legal term for a dog bite is known as strict liability. This means that the pet owner is liable for any injury or damage caused by their pet’s behavior. There are some factors that could influence how much a settlement could be awarded, such as whether the victim was acting unlawfully on the premises or provoking the dog. However, these must be taken with a grain of salt and should not be used as excuses to award a reduced settlement.
In many states, it only takes one bite for the pet owner to be held strictly liable, and if there is evidence that the dog has been aggressive in the past, this can usually give more reason for a higher settlement in court. Therefore, it is important to get proof of past aggression and guarantee that it will be held against the pet owner in order to increase your chances of getting maximum compensation. On top of that, pet owners must follow certain safety rules, like having liability insurance and keeping their pets on a leash when they are in public.
Now that we’ve talked about everything you need to know about your legal rights in a possible dog bite case, it’s time to talk about the finer points of the different types of settlements in dog bite cases, which could have a big impact on your outcome.
Different Types of Dog Bite Settlements
When it comes to getting the most out of your dog bite settlement, understanding what kind of settlement you have a right to is critical. Settlements for dog bites can be as varied as the contexts in which they happen and can also vary depending on local and state laws.
People who have been bitten by a dog usually have three kinds of settlements to choose from: no-fault liability agreements, comparative negligence claims, and strict liability claims. In no-fault liability agreements, dog owners agree to pay a certain amount of money no matter what the court decides about who was at fault for the attack. Comparative negligence claims say that both parties contributed to the accident in some way, but their contributions were different. A court of law will decide who was more at fault. Lastly, strict liability claims involve a court determining that one party was entirely at fault and liable for the incident, regardless of either party’s actions or conditions prior to the attack.
When deciding what kind of settlement to use in different situations, both sides may have something to say about it. People engaged on each side may bring up different evidence or argue their case based on their perspective or interpretation of the events leading up to or surrounding the attack. How much this weighs into the decision will ultimately depend on local laws, but it is helpful to gain context for why each type of settlement exists and different perspectives on how they should be applied.
Whatever type of agreement ends up being reached between both parties, understanding your rights before and during negotiation proceedings is key to getting the most out of your dog bite settlement. To do this, the next step is to work with an attorney to learn more about the law surrounding liability and how to communicate effectively with everyone involved.
Working with an Attorney to Maximize Your Settlement
The process of maximizing your settlement begins with understanding the different types of damages available to you, which were discussed in the previous section. But understanding the law is only the first step—the next is ensuring that you are getting a settlement offer that reflects the full value of your case. This is where consulting a personal injury attorney pays off. An experienced attorney can assess the legal issues surrounding a dog bite, as well as collect and present evidence to support an effective claim for compensation.
On the one hand, a plaintiff might not be able to reach a settlement without a lawyer’s help. Furthermore, attorneys are able to hold insurance companies accountable for providing fair compensation amounts. The potential downside of working with an attorney is that you’ll have less money in your pocket since they may take a portion of any resulting settlement.
While opinions vary on whether hiring an attorney is a wise decision for dog bite injuries, it’s important to keep in mind that their legal knowledge and expertise often contribute to a more successful outcome for plaintiffs. Alternatively, if finances are tight and you decide to self-represent, staying informed about the latest legal developments and approaches can also be beneficial.
No matter what path you choose, remember that you have rights when it comes to negotiating a settlement after being injured in a dog bite incident. Knowledgeable or not, having an understanding of the negotiation process and your strengths can help ensure that you get the most out of your settlement offer. Now let’s dive into the next step: negotiations and representation in court.
Negotiations and Representation in Court
When it comes to negotiations and representing yourself in court for a dog bite case, there are pros and cons to consider. On one hand, having an attorney represent you during the legal proceedings can be beneficial if the settlement is contested or complicated due to factors such as past medical bills or liabilities of the responsible party. With an experienced lawyer on your side, the goal is to get a maximum settlement for the victim. On the other hand, negotiating your own settlement may allow you to gain some control over the process and possibly reduce the legal fees associated with representation.
The biggest advantage of having an attorney handle negotiations and represent you in court is that they have experience with similar cases. An experienced lawyer can evaluate all of the facts surrounding a dog bite claim, provide advice and guidance throughout the process, and become a strong advocate for the victim in court. With their knowledge of tort law and familiarity with insurance companies, they understand what kind of settlement is reasonable (or unreasonable) given the specific set of circumstances. Additionally, attorneys typically have access to sometimes hard-to-find evidence that could help strengthen your case in court, such as medical records or eyewitness accounts.
On the other hand, representing yourself in court could help you save money on legal fees, but it also comes with risks. It’s important to understand state laws regarding dog bites and any accompanying statutes that are pertinent before proceeding. If you don’t possess adequate knowledge of the local laws applicable to your case, then negotiations could be significantly weakened if conducted without professional representation. Further, if improper paperwork or insufficient evidence is presented during your claims process, it could significantly reduce your chances of receiving a fair settlement—which is always a risk when negotiating without prior legal training or experience.
Ultimately, it’s important to remember that making sure you get the maximum settlement for a dog bite case involves a combination of factors, such as ensuring sufficient evidence is available and understanding applicable laws—both of which attorneys specialize in offering guidance on. While self-representing in court could potentially save money upfront in legal fees, the long-term benefit may not outweigh the risks involved in not having an attorney oversee your actions throughout this process. When deciding how best to maximize your settlement, working with an attorney is often a sound strategy for most people affected by dog bites.
Related Article: Dog Bite Claims: What You Need To Know About The Legalities

Contact our Experienced Dog Bite Injury Lawyers Today to get the Compensation you Deserve!
If you or someone you care about has ever been bitten by a dog, you know how bad it can be. Dog bites can hurt, leave scars, cause infections, and even cause long-term trauma. Dog bites can cause a lot of physical pain and suffering, as well as high medical bills, lost wages, and other costs. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced dog bite injury lawyer who can help you get the money you deserve.
At Michael J. Brennan, our team of skilled lawyers has been helping people who were hurt by dogs for years. We’ll work hard to make sure you get the most money possible for your injuries, which could include money for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other things.
Contact us today at (708) 460-9300 to set up a free consultation and find out more about how we can help you get the justice you deserve.